Peter Kirn _ Photo: Brigitte Fässler
Veranstaltungskalender › Workshop (ENGLISH)
von Peter Kirn (US/DE)
Workshop (ENGLISH)
15/11/2012 11:00  


Open Source Design and Music

"Playing the invisible: Imagining music, visually, with free tools"
What would a circle sound like? A grid? A cube, bouncing around in space?
What if you could draw and sketch music as easily as doodling?
What if music were a game?

The wonderful thing about music is that you can feel it, but not see it. Making that unseeable thing seeable has challenged musicians for centuries. The score is one solution – time in blocks from left to right, pitch lined up vertically – but with computers, we can do more.

Using free and open source tools, friendly to non-programmers, we’ll dream up some new ways to transform sound and musical structure. We’ll try out some simple, easily-modified examples (built with Processing and Pd), allowing non-coders to fiddle with interactive musical structures. You’ll leave with some of the tools to make your own interactive music for games, art, or just for fun. We’ll also take a quick look at some of the experiments in music and visuals over the years, from crazy architectural installations to Sesame Street.

What to bring: a computer running OS X, Windows, or Linux. Pen and paper (for some doodling).


Beginn: 15/11/2012 11:00
Ende: 15/11/2012 17:00
Ort: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


OpenStructures – Think Inside The Box

- Put it on the table.


- Observe it for a while.


- Take it apart, not as if you would disassemble a machine,
but rather as if you would dissect an organism.


- Spread all parts and components on the table.


- Try to distinguish ‘cells’ from ‘organs’ and ‘systems’.


- Try to understand the interdependency between the different ‘organ systems’ that, as a whole,
allow the object to perform its task.


- Reconsider the organism. Try to identify the ‘breeding grounds’, ‘multiplication rates’, ‘spreading patterns’ and ‘lifespan’ of your kitchen appliance.


- Link up these estimates with the context in which your kitchen appliance emerged. Hereby consider labor costs, availability of energy and material, modes of production, communication tools and social organization.


- Try to understand the interrelations between the appearance of your kitchen appliance and its context.


- Go to your computer, google your kitchen appliance and dig up three very different versions of your appliance from a near or distant past.


- Again, try to understand the interrelations between the appearance of each object in relation to its context.


- Step back and reflect.


- Now, filter out the patterns, the reoccurring design principles that you identified as successful in the past and valuable for the future.


- Number and list them.


- Sketch up / prototype a new design for this kitchen appliance in which you apply these principles within a contemporary context.


- Piece your own kitchen appliance together and take it back home.

Beginn: 10/11/2012 11:00
Ende: 10/11/2012 17:00
Ort: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


Fashion Reloaded


This workshop will explore the idea of open source philosophy and tactics applied to fashion creation by means of very little theory and a lot of making. Starting from existing open source designs, we will tweak and remix the work of others into a micro collection in 1 day, and in the meantime document the process to share the outcomes after the workshop. By engaging practically in designs and blueprints, you will discover the current landscape of open fashion, as well as discussing new possibilities and generate ideas. We will work collaboratively and move through concept and realization of a small collection of pieces, taking off from other designers ideas of open and land with a new series of free culture fashion. You don’t need to be an experienced designer to participate, more important is the interest and motivation to design and remix and work collaboratively.

Beginn: 08/11/2012 11:00
Ende: 08/11/2012 17:00
Ort: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


Your Design – Your Way

Using CNC tools and 3D printing welcomes everyone’s will and way of expression. Free from traditional product design disciplines, a unique design approach is emerging- Yours. If you enjoy being in FabLabs or maker spaces, or you are into digital fabrication or just making stuff, then this 3 hour introduction workshop might interest you. The workshop aims to guide authentic expression with a design process. An open storytelling session sets a creative environment for generating ideas and concepts, understanding their potential, and developing them into objects that reflect your character and way of expression. The workshop is not about the technical or production aspects of fabrication, it is a learning experience where you, your qualities, skills, creativity and energy are the focus. The workshop is intended for people with some experience in 3D modeling and digital production. Fabbers, hackers, designers and any open minded persons are all welcome. Bring a laptop computer with a 2D or 3D software you are comfortable with, or just writing materials.

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Beginn: 01/11/2012 13:00
Ende: 01/11/2012 17:00
Ort: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:

Project initiator:
Gerin Trautenberger
Realized by Verlag Neue Arbeit
Project manager: Nataša Sienčnik / Bernhard Tobola
Curator (exhibition):
Moya Hoke
Curator (lectures/workshops):
Nataša Sienčnik
Curator (store):
Bernhard Tobola
Exhibition design:
Franz Piffl / Lukas Bast
Graphic design: Emanuel Jesse
Website by Vincent Bauer
Printed locally with printpool, Vienna


Beim Vienna Open Design Contest geht es um das Gestalten und Teilen von Produkten, Mode und Dingen, die durch digitale Fabrikation gefertigt werden können. Alle teilnehmenden Designer publizieren ihre Werke unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz (CC-BY-NC-SA), damit jeder die Pläne der Produkte downloaden kann, um sie zu adaptieren und zu verwenden und um wiederum die veränderten Designs auf die Plattform zu stellen.

 Es gibt sechs Möglichkeiten, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen:

 1. ReDesign – Gestalte dein eigenes Produkt oder (re)designe eines der bereits eingereichten.

2. Digitalisiere dein Design (auch nicht digitales Handwerk mit eingeschlossen).

3. Fertige dein Produkt. Nur fabrizierte Prototypen sind zugelassen, reine Ideen/Skizzen können nicht bewertet werden. 

4. Baue dein Produkt und dokumentiere das Ergebnis und den Fertigungsprozess.

5. Reiche deinen Plan oder Bilder, Bauanleitungen und Fertigungspläne (Blueprints) ein.

6. Share your design with others! - Teile deine Ideen mit Anderen!

Der Vienna Open Design Contest ist in vier Kategorien unterteilt: FORM, FOOD, FASHION und FUSION. Jeder Gestalter, der seine eigenen Produkte fertigen oder bereits existierende Produkte verändern möchte ist eingeladen, teilzunehmen. Zeig uns dein Talent – zeig uns deine Ideen! Zur Erinnerung: Jeder kann jedes publizierte Produkt redesignen oder seine eigenen Ideen und Produkte auf der Plattform jederzeit publizieren.

Einreichformular für dein Projekt:

In cooperation with Waag Society und dem internationalen open design contest.







All used fonts are open source. Thanks to Fontsquirrel and The League of Moveable Type. Based on Wordpress.