Peter Kirn _ Photo: Thomas Piper
Calendar of Events › Lecture (ENGLISH)
by Peter Kirn (US/DE)
Lecture (ENGLISH)
14/11/2012 19:00  


Open Source Design and Music: MeeBlip

Fundamentally, music is sharing at its most essential. The act of performing music together, hearing music, and the common knowledge of how music is patterned and communicated, is communal.

If musical knowledge is shared, then, why not knowledge about the tools that make music, too?

Electronic musician Peter Kirn is the editor of Create Digital Music, an online chronicle of music and technology, and co-creator of the open source MeeBlip hardware. He will speak to the broader question of what open design can mean for music in general – as economic tool, collaborative design catalyst, and how it can transform musical instruments. His own hardware then becomes a case study in how shared design culture might become explicitly open source.

Music’s unique place in culture adds to the discussion of what the significance of open design can be. Musicians and music lovers have a unique relationship with their tools. While much recent technology has been proprietary in nature, makers have also had a long history of sharing common knowledge about how circuits and code can produce sound. Recently, that has led to more explicit sharing, as industry giants (Korg) and innovative newcomers (monome) share schematics and code. As digital musicians fabricate new ways of playing, this shared community can become vital, as artists modify both the mechanics of their instruments and techniques of their performance and production.

MeeBlip is the first open source music hardware to attempt the transition to broad usage as an end user product, not just a boutique item or hobbyist project. In two years in production, over a thousand units have gotten into the hands of musicians. That has meant some hard-earned lessons in manufacturing, shipping, support, and scaling. It has also yielded surprising developments in user modifications and DIY projects around the synthesizer.

Now, we get to discuss some of those lessons, how a business model can embrace complete openness while maintaining sustainability, and where the MeeBlip – and other such musical instruments – can go in the future.

Start: 14/11/2012 19:00
End: 14/11/2012 21:00
Venue: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


OpenStructures – Think Inside The Box

The OpenStructures (OS) project initiates a construction system where everyone designs for everyone. It is an ongoing experiment that wants to find out what happens if people design objects according to a shared modular grid, a common open standard that stimulates the exchange of parts, components, experiences and ideas and aspires to build things together.

Start: 09/11/2012 19:00
End: 09/11/2012 21:00
Venue: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


Fashion Reloaded

How Open Source Tactics Can Change the Fashion Game
Fashion and open source is an equally contradictory as perfectly matching couple. It's an industry hard to imagine without copycats and trends leading to the millionfold reproduction of designs.  Meanwhile it's a world of smoke and mirrors, hidden somewhere behind those glasses of Karl Lagerfeld. Alongside the growth of the D.I.Y movement and participatory design initiatives, this magic box is turned inside-out and opens up to users as fashionistas to go from passive consumerism to a collaborative process. How can open source tactics change the fashion game? Cecilia Palmer will show and tell about  her own work with the open source fashion label Pamoyo and the participatory event series Fashion Reloaded, and presenting some of the most intriguing projects, people and labels currently working in this field. This presentation will talk about creative commons, participation, the blueprints of fashion design, how open fashion can help clean up one of the dirtiest businesses on earth and why fashion designers should wish for their consumers to become makers.

Start: 07/11/2012 19:00
End: 07/11/2012 21:00
Venue: marketplace
Wesbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


Products in a Networked Culture

A revolution in product development, production and distribution is imminent due to the Internet’s disruptive nature and the easy access to CNC machines. Open Design is a proposal to make this revolution happen. It’s aim is to shift Industrial Design to become relevant in a globally networked information society. The presentation introduces some of my Open Design work, its context, essentials and insights expressed through this new design method. It describes some realizations about industrial design and its relations to the Internet revolution, creativity, education and consumerism.

Start: 31/10/2012 19:00
End: 31/10/2012 21:00
Venue: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:


Visible Data

Visible Data is an international project about how culture is financed and was initiated by the Open Design Studio (Bratislava) in collaboration with the Institute for Felxible Cultures and Tecnologies NAPON (Novi Sad). The lecture will bring a closer look on the objectives and critical approaches of the project which was developed as a reflexion of the invisibility of financing of culture and a lack of culturep oliticy in Central and Southeast Europe. It shows examples of activities and design methods that were chosen to bring this issue closer to the public and questions how information design can create critical reflextion and can be used to fathom a public discussion. The project was initiated by a network of organizations: Mediamatic (Amsterdam), Momeline (Budapest) and STGU (Katowice).


Start: 24/10/2012 19:00
End: 24/10/2012 21:00
Venue: marketplace
Westbahnstrasse 22, Vienna, Vienna, 1070, Ein Land auswählen:

Project initiator:
Gerin Trautenberger
Realized by Verlag Neue Arbeit
Project manager: Nataša Sienčnik / Bernhard Tobola
Curator (exhibition):
Moya Hoke
Curator (lectures/workshops):
Nataša Sienčnik
Curator (store):
Bernhard Tobola
Exhibition design:
Franz Piffl / Lukas Bast
Graphic design: Emanuel Jesse
Website by Vincent Bauer
Printed locally with printpool, Vienna


Beim Vienna Open Design Contest geht es um das Gestalten und Teilen von Produkten, Mode und Dingen, die durch digitale Fabrikation gefertigt werden können. Alle teilnehmenden Designer publizieren ihre Werke unter einer Creative-Commons-Lizenz (CC-BY-NC-SA), damit jeder die Pläne der Produkte downloaden kann, um sie zu adaptieren und zu verwenden und um wiederum die veränderten Designs auf die Plattform zu stellen.

 Es gibt sechs Möglichkeiten, am Wettbewerb teilzunehmen:

 1. ReDesign – Gestalte dein eigenes Produkt oder (re)designe eines der bereits eingereichten.

2. Digitalisiere dein Design (auch nicht digitales Handwerk mit eingeschlossen).

3. Fertige dein Produkt. Nur fabrizierte Prototypen sind zugelassen, reine Ideen/Skizzen können nicht bewertet werden. 

4. Baue dein Produkt und dokumentiere das Ergebnis und den Fertigungsprozess.

5. Reiche deinen Plan oder Bilder, Bauanleitungen und Fertigungspläne (Blueprints) ein.

6. Share your design with others! - Teile deine Ideen mit Anderen!

Der Vienna Open Design Contest ist in vier Kategorien unterteilt: FORM, FOOD, FASHION und FUSION. Jeder Gestalter, der seine eigenen Produkte fertigen oder bereits existierende Produkte verändern möchte ist eingeladen, teilzunehmen. Zeig uns dein Talent – zeig uns deine Ideen! Zur Erinnerung: Jeder kann jedes publizierte Produkt redesignen oder seine eigenen Ideen und Produkte auf der Plattform jederzeit publizieren.

Einreichformular für dein Projekt:

In cooperation with Waag Society und dem internationalen open design contest.







All used fonts are open source. Thanks to Fontsquirrel and The League of Moveable Type. Based on Wordpress.